We should stay firmly committed to the common interests of BRICS countries, step up coordination in the international economic, financial and development fields and strengthen the standing and role of emerging markets and developing countries in global economic governance. 我们应该继续坚定维护金砖国家共同利益,在国际经济金融和发展领域加强协调,增强新兴市场国家和发展中国家在全球经济治理中的地位和作用。
From the perspective of those committed campaigners who work towards ensuring a global agreement is reached, the Cancun Talks are really the time to step up. 对于那些投身于确保达成一项全球协议工作的人而言,坎昆会谈正是他们站出来承担使命的时候。
The game is introduced: The village where small DouDou is inhabited is committed suicide the attacking of bomb guest, ice penguins and step forward bravely and protect the villagers, attack the bomb guest. 游戏介绍:小豆豆居住的村落受到自杀炸弹客的袭击,锉冰企鹅挺身而出保护村民们,打击炸弹客。
Riboflavin synthase ( RS) catalyzes the committed step in biosynthesis of riboflavin, which plays an important role in organisms. 核黄素在生物体内发挥着重要的作用,核黄素合酶(RS)是核黄素合成过程中的一个关键酶。
This is the reason for being good at group learning is a committed step of organizing a studying type group. 这就是为什么精熟团队学习是建立学习型组织的一个关键步骤。
Taxadiene synthase is the first known, and the most important, enzyme involved in taxol anabolism, which catalyzes the first committed, and a slow but not rate-limiting, step of taxol biosynthesis. 紫杉二烯合成酶是第一个被详细研究和目前所发现的最重要的紫杉醇合成代谢酶,它催化紫杉醇生物合成途径中的第一个定向的、慢速的步骤,然而该步骤并非限速步骤。
GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase ( GMP, EC catalyzes the synthesis of GDP-D-mannose and represents the first committed step in plant ascorbic acid biosynthesis. GDP-D-甘露糖焦磷酸化酶催化GDP-D-甘露糖的合成,是植物抗坏血酸生物合成途径中上游的关键酶。
Amplitude modulator is a committed step in the signal processing, it has determined to output working efficiency and quality of the launcher directly. Adoptable amplitude modulate scheme have double sideband amplitude modulator, single sideband amplitude modulator and quadrature amplitude modulator etc. 振幅调制是信号处理中的关键步骤,它直接决定了输出发射器的工作效率和质量,可采用的振幅调制方案有双边带振幅调制、单边带振幅调制以及正交振幅调制等。
Pantothenate Kinase ( PanK) is a key regulatory enzyme in the CoA biosynthetic pathway in bacteria and mammalian cells. It catalyzes the first committed step in the universal biosynthetic pathway leading to CoA. 泛酸激酶(pantothenatekinase,PanK)是生物体内CoA生物合成途径中的关键酶,催化CoA合成途径中的第一步反应。
The 3D geological modeling is a committed step of underground space digitization. 三维地层建模是地下空间数字化的一个关键步骤。
The committed step of Inflammatory reaction was cell adhesion and extravasation of white blood cell-vascular endothelial cell. Adhesion molecules expressing excess augment, shedding, residing in the blood serum. 炎症反应的关键步骤是白细胞与血管内皮细胞粘附、外渗,当内皮功能异常时,黏附分子表达过度增加,并从内皮表面脱落,以可溶形式存在于血清中并能够被测定。
Diacylglycerol acyltransferase ( DGAT; EC drives the final and only committed acylation step in the synthesis of triacylglycerol ( TAG). 二脂酰甘油酰基转移酶(DGAT;EC2.3.1.20)是催化三脂酰甘油(TAG)合成的最后也是最关键步骤的酶。
The first committed step in MI metabolism pathway is catalyzed by the monooxygenase, myoinositol oxygenase ( MIOX), which occurs predominantly in the proximal tubular epithelial cells of the kidney cortex. MI代谢途径的第一步关键反应由肌醇加氧酶(myoinositoloxygenase,MIOX)这一加单氧酶催化,该反应主要发生于肾皮质的近曲小管上皮细胞。